Nov 4, 2010

Refraction of light

Topic :Light

Refraction of light

What is the final y-position of the ray?

For the green slab, the angle of refraction, r, is given by
sinr / sin35° = 1/1.3
=> r = 26.1813°
=> y-position at interface
= 5 tan(26.1813°) cm
= 2.4583 cm

For the blue slab, the angle of refraction, r', is given by         
sinr' / sinr = 1.3/1.8
=> r' = (1.3)/1.8) * sin(26.1813°)
= 18.5815°
=> final y-position 
= 2.4583 cm + 5 tan(18.5815°) cm
= (2.4583 + 1.6809) cm
= 4.1392 cm.

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